Stella had her pups
1/16/25 2:15 am full labor has started. Stella has been digging at the dog bed and trembling. She decided the dog bed was where she wanted to give birth . It is large, has sides and is very comfy so who can blame her. She just started grunting at 230, which means she is baring down. I have her and the dog bed in one of our guest rooms so it feels more comfortable for both of us.
2:50 first pup a boy (blue collar)
3:16 girl with white makings like daddy. (pink collar) Stella picked her up and put her next to blue boy.
3:58 long thin girl (purple collar)
4:37 boy orange collar Gave Stellla some vanilla ice cream.
5:07 boy red collar
5:25 girl green collar
6:12 boy black collar
6:24 girl raspberry collar
We are both so tired. I cleaned her and Threw out the dog bed. Moved her and pups to the Whelping room. Where it is much warmer and quiet for momma and babies. Gave her food and water and finally at 8 am went to sleep for a few hours. She is an amazing momma.
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"There is no psychiatrist in the world like a puppy licking your face.”
–Bern Williams